It is important to have all your requirements written down before you start looking at word press options. This is simply because a good word press theme can generate a positive image of your website while an unrelated theme can simply spoil the overall impression.
Here are few factors which you should take into account while you are looking at word press themes.
Opt for a responsive theme
If your website has a responsive theme, users would be able to access it on mobile phones, laptops and tablets without any view related issues. Responsive websites can be accessed on any device. Users seek ease of use when they access a website. When a website has a responsive theme, it becomes extremely easy to use on all kinds of devices.
Select a suitable design theme
It is very important to select a deisgn theme related to your business area. For instance, if your website is related to online food ordering, using images of shoes or jackets would simply ruin the theme. Thus, you should select a theme that helps you in promoting your business and establishing your brand identity. Secondly, using very large sized text can overshadow the overall theme. If the text does not blend with the other deisgn components, the user would not be convinced about spending his time on your website. Very sharp colors like neon green or sharp pink should be avoided as they make it hard for the user to view the page for a long span. When sharp shades are used, users face eye irritation issues which forces theme to quit the website. Thus, even if your website provides quality content, a very sharp colored design theme can reduce the rate of traffic.

I’m Allan Cousins! I blog about tech, how to use it, and what you should know. I love spending time with my family and sharing stories of the day with them.