If you are someone who likes to talk about gadgets, mobile accessories, mobile downloads and other similar topics, you should stay updated in terms of tech news. This not only satisfies your appetite for technical news but also helps you in purchasing the correct gadgets. Here is some of the latest technical buzz for you.

Singapore leads the list of the fastest downloads

Waiting for long spans of time to download your favorite file can be frustrating. However, this does not happen when you are in Singapore. According to recent researches, the country has the fastest download speeds. The country provides a download speed of approximately 46.6 Mbps which is quite unbelievable. Thus, if you are living in Singapore, you would not have to wait long even if you are downloading the heaviest files.

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Unbelievable amounts spent on Facebook marketing during elections

Facebook is not only a social media platform but a powerful marketing tool as well. During US elections it has proven to be a very effective method to get the attention of the voters. According to various surveys, Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton spent a combined sum of $81M during their election campaigns. During elections Facebook proved to be a very fast and effective marketing mode.

Sony introduces the latest version of Aibo

Aibo gained a lot of popularity as a robot dog when it was first launched in the year 1999. However, according to a sneak peak, the latest version that would be launched in early 2018 would have a lot of advanced features including training options and barking features. The latest Aibo version can be connected to a supporting app. Along with that, the design of the eyes has been changed and they have been given an oily touch.