To become an expert at using an operating system, it is important that to know about the helpful tips and tweaks. Here are few important tips which would assist you in using the Windows 10 easily.

Important Tips to Become an Expert Windows 10 User

Method to Enable Cortana and option for Voice Search

Cortana is an expert assistant which has been launched in Windows 10 for the first time. The user needs to follow some steps to complete the setup process for this. First of all, you need to search “Cortana” in the start menu. The result would show the Cortana icon. Once you click this icon, you would be redirected towards an agreement. Once you would accept this agreement, Cortana would be activated on your system.  To activate the voice search option, simply click the microphone icon which can be viewed in the task bar. When you click the icon, you would be required to go through a series of steps after which the voice search option of Cortana would be activated on your computer.

View the Extensions of all your files

At times, it is hard to differentiate between formats of files when they fall in the same category. For instance, if you have two image files, you can determine their formats with the help of their extensions. To view the extensions, right click any folder and then select the “properties” option. After that you will see the “View” tab under which you would find the option “Hide extension for known file types”. By default, this option would be checked. To view the formats of all files stored in your computer, simply uncheck this box after which you would be able to differentiate between two files of the same category. For instance, if there is an image file, you would be able to determine whether it is a JPEG file, GIF file or TIFF file or an image file of any other format.